First Trimester Q+A

February 5, 2020


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Hi there! I'm an Integrative Health & Nutrition Coach specializing in Gut and Hormone Health. I also have a background in Critical Care Nursing and am a mom of two  kiddos & rescue dogs from NJ!

I'm Meghan - your wellness hype girl

How is the first trimester is almost over already?! It still feels like yesterday that we just found out we were expecting.

I wanted to throw together “first trimester” post for you guys and answer some of my top FAQ questions!

Are you taking a prenatal? If so, which ones?

I am! I’ve had a harder time maintaining a balanced diet this pregnancy, especially with the aversions I’ve had – so taking a prenatal has been necessary. Last pregnancy, I ate really well and just supplemented my Vegan Shakeology with extra Folate. This pregnancy, I’m taking the entire Garden Of Life Arsenal. I’m taking the Prenatal Once Daily, Prenatal Omega-3 Fish Oil DHA (which is totally okay with my shellfish allergy) and the Prenatal Probiotics.

How has your exercise routine changed?

It really hasn’t. I use common sense 24/7/365, whether I’m pregnant or not. I always listen and respect my body and prioritize safety. With pregnancy, I feel better some days more than others, but thanks to the modifications, options and programs that have the expecting mama in mind – I always have something to do that keeps me excited about maintaining a healthy and strong pregnancy.

What supplements do you take on a regular basis?

I have a future post about this coming soon!

Do you have any cravings/aversions?

I’m getting better, but the first couple of weeks were rough! I couldn’t even look at meat without being affected and candidly had to steer clear of it in the grocery store as well. Around 9 weeks is when that aversion started to fade. Overall, I don’t want leftovers, but I felt similarly in my first pregnancy as well.

Are you going to find out the gender? Will you do a reveal? Are you hoping for a boy/girl? Names?

Oh my… this is a popular series of questions that is becoming even more prominent in my DMs! So YES, we will 100% find out the gender. It humanizes the pregnancy for me and totally makes it more of an enjoyable experience. If you guys have been following along for awhile, you know my style is neutral, so gender really won’t affect much and we’ll be able to reuse so much of Jack’s stuff regardless.

We won’t be doing a public reveal like last time. You can watch Jack’s Gender Reveal here. We thought about this for awhile, but ultimately decided to watch it in private because we both really want a girl. I know most people say, “I just want a healthy baby,” which is obviously true — but I’m perfectly okay in saying that we are hoping for a girl. Everyone is entitled to “want” what they want for their family and future without being shamed or judged, but that’s just my 0.02. With that being said – we will be HAPPY and overflowing with gratitude no matter what, but opted to find out in private this time.

As far as names go, we have always had a girl name, and I even recently thought of a boy name – but he or she needs more of an announcement than this blog post, so you’ll just have to wait and see!

Do you drink coffee?

I have despised coffee since the beginning of my existence haha. I have never liked the smell or taste of coffee and despite years of working 12 and 24 hour shifts – can’t understand why anyone drinks the stuff lol… With that being said – I do enjoy Tea, but have cut back to maybe 1-2 cups a month.

The only source of caffeine that I consume on a daily basis is my plant based pre-workout that contains 100 mg of green tea caffeine (full post coming on this soon).

Are you doing anything special for skin care?

Morning Routine: Cleanser, Serum, Moisturizer, Lip Treatment

Night Time Routine: Cleanser, Marula Oil, Lip Treatment 

Bump Care: Belly Balm

What made you see a Chiropractor?

Some of you were really curious why I started seeing a Chiropractor, especially when I didn’t see one last pregnancy, or regularly to begin with. The answer is quite simple. I was beyond miserable with back/pelvic pain last time around and I’m doing whatever I can to prevent or diminish those symptoms with this pregnancy.

I swear by using this Pregnancy Pillow to help with alignment every night, and am seeing Circle Of Life Chiropractic in Point Pleasant NJ for anyone who’s local. I’ve had a great experience thus far and am looking forward to my weekly visits!

Tips for Morning Sickness?

I’m going to start with FREE TIPS, that are solely based on my personal experiences (not medical advice)!

  1. Eating small, balanced meals throughout the day
  2. Having a late night snack (healthy with a protein source helped most… but any night I went to bed after an early dinner, I paid for it the following morning)
  3. MOVE. I know you might feel like crap some days, but even a walk can completely change your mood and gut like you wouldn’t believe. What do you have to lose by trying?
  4. I eat half a bagel every morning when I wake up (NO SHAME). Sure, it’s not the best choice in carbs, but I enjoy them and plan on continuing until I don’t see a need!
  5. Homemade Nausea Ice Cubes – recipe coming soon

Actual Products

  1. Nausea Relief Drops – these taste amazing and actually support baby growth with Choline & Folic Acid
  2. Prenatal Tea – I personally enjoy sipping on tea throughout the day because it breaks up my water intake goal, but candidly, I never crave tea when I feel nausea, so I like incorporating these more as a preventative

Are you doing anything different now compared to last pregnancy?

100%!! Compared to last pregnancy, a lot is different!

  1. This pregnancy was the best spontaneous surprise (after 2 years of infertility treatments with Jack), so I have been consumed with gratitude, happiness and excitement!
  2. Now that I’ve done this once before, I’m much more laid back and not living in fear like I was last time.
  3. My drive, determination and work ethic has only GROWN since having Jack, so I am much more productive, efficient and effective in terms of my work (and just about everything else)
  4. I’m focusing on preventative and wellness care a lot more! I broke out the pregnancy pillow immediately and incorporated yoga, stretching, baths and chiropractic care into my routine to hopefully prevent/diminish symptoms that I expect to creep in! I need to have more massages too!
  5. I’m not spending any money, ha! I feel like I honestly have everything I need, and I’m not in a rush to buy anything. I’m sure once we buy a house, that will change, but I’m all about saving right now!

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Hi there! I'm an Integrative Health & Nutrition Coach specializing in Gut and Hormone Health. I also have a background in Critical Care Nursing and am a mom of two  kiddos & rescue dogs from NJ!

I'm Meghan - your wellness hype girl

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After years of being in the health & fitness industry, I found myself struggling to get results after my second pregnancy. What used to work, no longer did and I found myself experiencing stubborn weight gain, vertigo and debilitating PMS symptoms, despite eating well and exercising regularly. I sought help from multiple physicians who either told me I was fine or echoed. "this is just how it is as you get older." I refused to accept that and invested in continuing education so I would be able to help myself through nutrition and lifestyle modification. I feel fantastic, lost the 12lbs of excess weight and my cycles have been a breeze. Best of all -- I'm happier and my kids have a better mom because of it!

I'm a RN, Integrative health & nutrition coach and personal trainer

I'm Meghan — your hype girl & wellness mentor.

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