If you don't feel like yourself and are struggling to lose weight, control cravings or mitigate symptoms like bloating, mood swings and/or pms - you're not alone. The good news is that you can feel better, get results and regain control with lifestyle and nutrition. 

Approximately 80% of women suffer from hormone imbalances

Repair Your Gut & Balance Your Hormones

You've been there, tried that and are tired of searching for clues. You're here now and I think it's meant to be. You now have simple, step by step path forward that is proven and guaranteed to help you feel better. 

Are you ready to finally stop wishing you felt better?

real talk.

  • Lose the weight and keep it off for good

  • Improve sleep, stress and toxic load

  • Boost your energy, productivity and mood without relying on caffeine to get you through the afternoon

  • Diminish bloating, cravings and the urge to snack or graze

  • Decrease the prevalence and severity of night sweats and hot flashes

what if there was a way you could...

Having a comprehensive approach felt liberating after spending years of doctors visits, asking questions, googling, reading books and taking courses.

By integrating various lifestyle adjustments, such as nutrition, exercise, supplementation, stress management and support, you can reclaim balance, vitality and the results that you're looking for. 

I like to call this the "total solution" because it takes the guess work out of everything, which gives you clarity, confidence and excitement as you navigate your health and wellness journey toward optimal health and well-being. 

A comprehensive solution helped me.

I want to help you take back control so that you can feel like yourself again. 

Here's how the program works:

  • We'll focus on nutrition that fuels and heals. I'll help you learn what to eat and when so you feel good and are satisfied with each meal. 

  • You'll have access to 130+ fitness programs and countless workout classes, but I will help you choose a program and/or training regimen that fits your personality, fitness level and preferred duration that will also support your gut and hormones.

  • You'll learn stress reduction techniques (like breathing techniques) that are both realistic and approachable since eliminating stress/stressors is often impossible. 

  • You'll have the ability to supplement your results with carefully curated supplements that can support your micronutrient needs, improve digestion, aid in response to stress and support your overall health and well-being

The Hormone Blue Print


— Liane M.

"Couldn't have done it without Meghan's help. Her coaching transformed my life and health!"

All packages are fully customizable and we will chat 1 on 1 to discuss prior to me emailing you an enrollment link



+ Annual Access to the BODi Platform
+ Customized fitness support
+ Customized nutrition support
+ Strategies for gut/hormone health
+ Access to my private members-only online community
+ Weekly calls for support, q/a, deep dives on topics etc
+ 30 day supply of  3-4 supplements to optimize nutrition, micronutrient needs, gut health and overall wellbeing. 
+ 30 day money back guarantee

what's included

Below you'll find my new member package. Please reach out if you are an existing member or have any questions or want something that you don't see here!

What's Inside My New Member Package!

I'm ready to go!

Energized, happy and productive

Full control over your food choices

Excited & optimistic


Tired, grouchy and confused

Caving into cravings

Frustrated & discouraged

Go from...

it's up to us to play the cards we are dealt in life and use every struggle or obstacle as an opportunity to learn and grow

I believe that...

being restrictive, hard on yourself or having a toxic relationship with the scale

I'm not about...

health habits that you can sustain long term that not only serve you, but impact every member of your family in a positive way

I'm all about...

What Makes This Different From Everything You've Tried Before

"... engaging with people and having community to fall back on when you're in a rut or feel like you can't do something has been life changing for me. There is always someone who will motivate you and give you words of encouragement." Melissa B

"Being a part of this group has helped me stay consistent with my workouts for over 5 years..."

"... I lost the bloat and walked away feeling like 'I'VE GOT THIS!'" I felt stronger on my runs, stopped feeling exhausted all the time and loved that I stuck with it, even went I had a birthday and went away for 4 days!" Mandi S.

"I loved the support here and knowing that I was never alone. I lost 6 lbs, but I gained a better mindset..."

"The amount of information she shares is unreal. It really brings out my inner learner. I love it! Also, the amount of communication between the group is insane. It just shows how much support we feel from one another. I am so happy I found Meghan and had the courage to stop following and actually join her." Caitlin M.

"She is engaging, encouraging, supportive, informative and really fun to be in a group with..."

let's be friends

After years of being in the health & fitness industry, I found myself struggling to get results after my second pregnancy. What used to work, no longer did and I found myself experiencing stubborn weight gain, vertigo and debilitating PMS symptoms, despite eating well and exercising regularly. I sought help from multiple physicians who either told me I was fine or echoed. "this is just how it is as you get older." I refused to accept that and invested in continuing education so I would be able to help myself through nutrition and lifestyle modification. I feel fantastic, lost the 12lbs of excess weight and my cycles have been a breeze. Best of all -- I'm happier and my kids have a better mom because of it!

I'm a RN, Integrative health & nutrition coach and personal trainer

I'm Meghan — your hype girl & wellness mentor.

let's get started

A supportive and engaging place to get "group fitness vibes" 24/7/365. You'll have daily accountability and meet others who are going through the same programs.

Community Group Access

You'll have an opportunity every week to connect where we dive deep into various gut/hormone topics and q/a

Weekly Calls

You'll learn how to fuel your specific body and needs with strategies that will improve the health of your entire family

A customized nutrition program

Fitness isn't required, but I'd love to help you find an program or training regimen that supports your goals, gut and hormones. 

A customized fitness plan

When you sign up for private health coaching you're getting...

ok, let's recap!

You already have what it takes. You just need a coach to help you get there.

COPYRIGHT © 2024 · FittobefreE INC  | WEBSITE BY elizabeth mccravy  | TERMS & CONDITIONS