Holiday Gift Guide for your Fit Friends

November 12, 2018


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Hi there! I'm an Integrative Health & Nutrition Coach specializing in Gut and Hormone Health. I also have a background in Critical Care Nursing and am a mom of two  kiddos & rescue dogs from NJ!

I'm Meghan - your wellness hype girl

I’m so excited to bring you some Holiday Shopping Recommendations (which is a first for me). I hope I’m not biting off more than I can chew, but I’ll start with the easiest of the categories, which is your friend or Teammate who loves fitness, being healthy – or maybe he or she is about to begin their journey!

Before I get started, make sure to follow me on the Like to Know It App, so you can check out all of these options directly! I’ll be sharing all my gift guides through there to keep things organized!


You guys hear me talk about personal development non-stop throughout my Social Media channels and it’s because of how impactful and life changing it can be. None of us are perfect, and we all can use some improvement in the mindset or attitude department. Many of us can get motivated to start something, but what happens after the honeymoon period is over? What gets you through when the motivation fades, or when your kid craps the bed right before you want to push play? These books won’t clean up the crap, but they will help you be more positive, learn to be patient, and prioritize what’s important!

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Two of my picks are linked, but I’m LOVING Rachel Hollis’s NEW BOOK, that is available for pre-order now (releases March 2019). Gifting “Girl Wash Your Face,” would be a great way to get your friend ready for that debut! The Compound Effect by Daren Hardy is another ALL TIME FAVORITE that would honestly be a great gift for anyone, but it’s about how those small insignificant changes really amount to huge results at the end of the day!

Let’s talk beauty for your sweaty friend! I’m sure we all use Dry Shampoo, but your fit friend needs it most! Living Proof is my far my favorite brand and they come in full/travel sizes whether your pal goes to the gym or works out at home. ** My biggest tip is spraying my hair the night before or BEFORE I get sweaty!!

Another idea is Deodorant. I know, I know – not the most glamorous gift, but it’s something that can improve your friends health and I’m sure he/she would appreciate the gesture. I can’t believe how late to this party I am, but I finally realized that I was clogging up my pores and sweat glands with Aluminum, amongst other chemicals that are so close to lymph nodes and breast tissue. The switch had to get made (even though I smelt like a farm animal for a good week lol). If you follow my stories on Instagram, you know I’ve been trying quite a few! The brand Kopari has been my favorite so far and hits all boxes in terms of not sticking, smelling good and actually working!

Moving into the nutrition side of health are glass Meal Prep Containers! I have been getting SO MANY questions about these and I think it’s for good reason. There is such a movement lately with avoiding plastics, and if your friend is slightly OCD (like me) about anything, he or she will enjoy compartmentalizing things. These containers will be an awesome upgrade to your friends kitchen and do hold up well in the microwave and dishwasher!


Miscellaneous gifts if you are still stumped can be super easy with a cute headband or hat – especially if your friend likes to do HIIT styled training, running or if they have postpartum fly aways. I linked a few of my favorites, but you can find cute options just about anywhere! Water bottles are another great option for anyone really! Swell bottles are my favorite because they really do keep your drinks COLD.

Let’s talk splurges for your friend that you REALLY love, or maybe these are items you ask for yourself! Even though I encourage my girls to ONLY weigh themselves before, during or after a (21, 30, or 60 day) fitness program, it’s good to have an accurate scale.

I finally invested in this Nokia Scale when I was newly postpartum and it’s really nifty! It syncs to my iPhone and even tells me the weather! (I find the fact that it reports bone density, body fat and your progress to be less exciting apparently lol).


Next we have the UE Boom. I’ve had this guy for almost half a decade now and I use it all the time. I host beach workouts in the Summer and this is all I need to play tunes that we can all hear over the waves! It syncs to your phone on Bluetooth and has the capability to add speakers as well. It’s great for vacation, poolside or whenever you want to listen to good quality music on the go!

Another splurge is the Patagonia Vest! I love a good vest and this would be a great gift for any friends that run or do outdoor activities! This can totally be dressed up or down obviously too!

Hopefully this helped you guys!!!

I’m working on Gift Guides for Moms/Mother in Laws as well as Husbands/Dads since they are certainly more challenging!

Be sure to follow me on the Like to Know it App HERE, where I’ve linked everything as well as additional options!!

If there is something that YOU can’t live without or something you are hoping to get, I’d love to hear about it below!!!

See you soon, Meghan




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Hi there! I'm an Integrative Health & Nutrition Coach specializing in Gut and Hormone Health. I also have a background in Critical Care Nursing and am a mom of two  kiddos & rescue dogs from NJ!

I'm Meghan - your wellness hype girl

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After years of being in the health & fitness industry, I found myself struggling to get results after my second pregnancy. What used to work, no longer did and I found myself experiencing stubborn weight gain, vertigo and debilitating PMS symptoms, despite eating well and exercising regularly. I sought help from multiple physicians who either told me I was fine or echoed. "this is just how it is as you get older." I refused to accept that and invested in continuing education so I would be able to help myself through nutrition and lifestyle modification. I feel fantastic, lost the 15lbs of excess weight and my cycles have been a breeze. Best of all -- I'm happier and my kids have a better mom because of it!

I'm a RN, Integrative health & nutrition coach and personal trainer

I'm Meghan — your hype girl & wellness mentor.

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