Holiday Gift Guide for Baby

November 27, 2018


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Hi there! I'm an Integrative Health & Nutrition Coach specializing in Gut and Hormone Health. I also have a background in Critical Care Nursing and am a mom of two  kiddos & rescue dogs from NJ!

I'm Meghan - your wellness hype girl

Here are my roundup picks for Holiday Baby Gifts! You might be shopping for yourself, or maybe you have someone expecting in the near future!

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The crazy thing about this post is that I had NONE of these items before Jack was born and I purchased them ALL myself, so that should say a lot!

I will admit that I returned virtually half of my Baby Registry and I feel like most moms do as well. You just don’t know what you’ll need or want… but some of these items were a no-brainer for me and there are various price points depending on who you are shopping for! PLUS… this is the time you can actually shop OFF-REGISTRY and it not be frowned upon!

What were your must haves?! I’d love to hear about them in the comments below!

The Lovevery Baby Play Gym is the one baby item I WISH I had purchased when I had the chance. At 7 months, I feel like time has run out since he’s crawling now. I never even knew this brand existed when I was pregnant, but this is so much more then a regular play gym. It has so many developmental and educational elements, plus it’s gorgeous. It really isn’t that much more expensive then your standard options, and even if I had more then 1 play gym, I’d keep the lesser of the two at my Moms or in a different room of the house! If we get pregnant again, this will 100% be on my list.

I am loving the mat we purchased from Yaymats! They have such cute patterns, although I love this one the most. The mat comes apart and and easily transportable and it wipes clean! Between the hardwood floors and area rugs, I wanted a clean service for Jack to crawl on (one that wasn’t covered in husky hair).


The Ryan & Rose Pacifer Clips are gorgeous and if you care about the details in your photos, this will make a huge and timeless difference!


We purchased the Baby Bjorn Bouncer after Jack was about a month old. I never thought I needed one, and certainly had no intention on purchasing one, until we had reflux. Those beginning days are hard, especially when it’s virtually impossible to put your little one down. Those 30 minutes post feed were a killer, regardless of the time of day. When I saw this seat allowed a baby to sit upright, it immediately caught my attention. This was also how I got most of my workouts in early on, as well as my pump sessions. I could easily bounce Jack with a foot and keep him close by. He still uses it at 7 months and can be used up to 25 lbs. Another investment piece, but worth every penny. It not looking like a baby item is another plus for me!

Magnetic Baby Pajamas might be a splurge, but OH MY GOD are they worth it… if not for you, for the husband/dad in your life. I will also say that they last a long time! The material is so soft and stretchy… somehow Jack is still wearing his 3-6 month Pjs although they are getting snug. They held up incredibly well and were so useful when we were changing 800 diapers a day!


An affordable safe bet are baby products. I’ve come to love Babo Botanicals because they are for all natural, organic and great for sensitive skin. Jack has done great with these products over the past couple of months and I think they work really well! I attached this sensitive baby newborn gift set too!

I feel like a really good Baby Book is a great gift for a first time mom. Second time moms may not have the time haha. While I am so behind on updating mine, I still love having the memories and documenting as we go along. It’s a great way to remember the moments that otherwise may be forgotten! Anthropologie has some fabulous options!

I love Eco Piggy because for their clean products, but can I get an amen for things that don’t look like baby products. Let’s face it – pacifiers will make their way into photos, and I while it may seem slightly obnoxious to care about such a tiny detail, it’s a detail I’m willing to fix. I have a “to-go” pacifier and clip so that any photos will be worth remembering, instead of a loud color or cartoon you know?

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Last but not least, the Wildbird Ring Sling was my favorite way to carry Jack when he was a baby. When I was pregnant, I swore I would never use one of these things. I assumed they would be too difficult and I had other things to get first. I was exposed to baby wearing when a friend passed down her Moby Wrap. The Moby Wrap was a little difficult to use, but having Jack so close when he was clingy in that first month was huge! Plus… I never realized how much I missed having two hands.

After a lot of YouTubing and google searches I came across the Ring Sling. It was immediate love and first sight! They are stunning and easy to wear. It was one of the easiest ways for me to get him to sleep early on and I think this would make a great special gift for any new Mom who may not know that she needs this yet.


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Hi there! I'm an Integrative Health & Nutrition Coach specializing in Gut and Hormone Health. I also have a background in Critical Care Nursing and am a mom of two  kiddos & rescue dogs from NJ!

I'm Meghan - your wellness hype girl

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After years of being in the health & fitness industry, I found myself struggling to get results after my second pregnancy. What used to work, no longer did and I found myself experiencing stubborn weight gain, vertigo and debilitating PMS symptoms, despite eating well and exercising regularly. I sought help from multiple physicians who either told me I was fine or echoed. "this is just how it is as you get older." I refused to accept that and invested in continuing education so I would be able to help myself through nutrition and lifestyle modification. I feel fantastic, lost the 15lbs of excess weight and my cycles have been a breeze. Best of all -- I'm happier and my kids have a better mom because of it!

I'm a RN, Integrative health & nutrition coach and personal trainer

I'm Meghan — your hype girl & wellness mentor.

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