My 2nd Trimester Pregnancy Essentials

March 14, 2018


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Hi there! I'm an Integrative Health & Nutrition Coach specializing in Gut and Hormone Health. I also have a background in Critical Care Nursing and am a mom of two  kiddos & rescue dogs from NJ!

I'm Meghan - your wellness hype girl

  1. Honeywell HCM350W Germ Free Cool Mist Humidifier, White – Being pregnant in the winter had it’s challenges, and for me Nosebleeds were a daily occurrence. Prior to pregnancy, I would maybe get one or two nosebleeds a winter, but with the increased blood volume, every morning looked like a massacre in my bathroom and they were honestly waking me up through the night. I chose this humidifier because of the UV Light that kills up to 99.9% of bacteria, mold, fungus and viruses in the water. I admit that I initially wanted something cute and not industrial looking, but it’s easy to use, holds a fairly large tank, has minimum upkeep and is silent… oh and did I mention, no more nosebleeds?! I saw an immediate improvement in not only that, but my sleep!
  2. Stability Ball – So this really didn’t come into play until late into my 2nd Trimester when things started to get really uncomfortable. I’m mentioning it here because you should start using this as a preventative, as opposed to waiting until you feel like your pelvis is going to split in half. After what felt like weeks of discomfort, I went on Youtube and found some stretches to do and it honestly did help (it supposedly stretches your pelvic floor muscles). I also try and sit on it when I’m watching TV, at my desk etc.
  3. Cozy Bump – You’ll notice that back/pelvic pain is going to be a common trend in this post, but it has been no joke. I actually made a joke on one of my Social Media posts about it and decided to blow up my Unicorn Raft so I could lay on my belly. It was honestly that day that an Ad for the Cozy Bump made it into my Facebook Feed.  It wasn’t long after that I had one on my doorstep, and I LOVE IT! This is another item that I wish I had sooner! This truly allows me to take pressure off of my back and pelvis, giving me a break whenever I need it. I prop this up to watch TV, read or even do some work on my MacBook during the day. Watch my full review here – My Cozy Bump Review 
  4. Tums – Self Explanatory, you’ll probably need them. Have them everywhere – at home, in your purse at work, etc…
  5. Pink Blush – Pink Blush is an online maternity clothing shop that I’ve fallen in love with. I’ve probably purchased 90% of all my maternity clothes from them. Before you shop, sign up for emails because they usually have at least 15-25% off daily. The clothing is so comfortable, good quality and I can certainly see myself wearing some of the sweaters and hoodies post baby!
  6. Blanqi Supportwear – So I think I mentioned these guys in my first Essentials Post, but they are still my go-to leggings and have conformed great with my growing belly. They have stood up to washing AND drying (even though I’m not supposed to dry). My only wish is that they made more colors, but an absolute staple for any pregnancy wardrobe  Click Here for 20% off Blanqi
  7. Bath & Body Works Lavender Bubble Bath – So I know some of you might have feelings about baths during pregnancy and whether that be because of fragrances, salts etc – but this is what I needed to keep me sane when I was uncomfortable and it definitely has helped me relax at night.
  8. Dr Teal’s Epsom Salt Soaking Solution, Pre & Post Workout, 3lbs – In addition to Lavender Bubbles, I’ve tried using these as well!
  9. Daily Sunshine – I had morning sickness up until about 15-16 weeks, so this was an unexpected help for me. As many of you guys know, I am a Coach through Beachbody, and this “shake” was primarily designed for children, but can obviously be consumed by an adult for a snack. It’s GMO Free, Gluten Free, Soy Free and Daily Free – aka super clean and healthy. I would actually keep this in my bathroom (I know, TMI)… but when I woke up in the middle of the night to pee, I would make myself a shake and I think from having a healthy/light snack on board, it helped stabilize my blood sugar for when I woke up. I hated being a slave to carbs in the morning and this was a great healthy alternative.  Visit My Shop

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Hi there! I'm an Integrative Health & Nutrition Coach specializing in Gut and Hormone Health. I also have a background in Critical Care Nursing and am a mom of two  kiddos & rescue dogs from NJ!

I'm Meghan - your wellness hype girl

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After years of being in the health & fitness industry, I found myself struggling to get results after my second pregnancy. What used to work, no longer did and I found myself experiencing stubborn weight gain, vertigo and debilitating PMS symptoms, despite eating well and exercising regularly. I sought help from multiple physicians who either told me I was fine or echoed. "this is just how it is as you get older." I refused to accept that and invested in continuing education so I would be able to help myself through nutrition and lifestyle modification. I feel fantastic, lost the 15lbs of excess weight and my cycles have been a breeze. Best of all -- I'm happier and my kids have a better mom because of it!

I'm a RN, Integrative health & nutrition coach and personal trainer

I'm Meghan — your hype girl & wellness mentor.

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